People around the world are constantly looking for opportunities to improve their lives. The chance to live healthy, to look younger and to do better for themselves and their families.
The Nu Skin business helps people earn leveraged income, it offers time flexibility and provides premium beauty and wellness products that are effective and backed by science.*
With more than 35 years of operations in nearly 50 markets around the world, Nu Skin has been ranked the World’s #1 At-Home Beauty Device System Brand for 2017 and 2018 by Euromonitor International.**
In a rapidly changing world, we evolve, adapt and emerge stronger. One thing we have always kept in mind is our corporate mission to be a force for good throughout the world by empowering people to improve lives. We help transform lives via our business platforms and product innovations.
Find Out How These Nu Skin Sales Leaders Face Challenges And Discover Opportunities To Be Their Best Selves During The Challenging Economic And Health Circumstances
“Have the right mindset and surround yourself with positivity.”
–Pichet & Pattarawan Sukkanivast
During crises, people fear the unknown. We think the key to overcoming this fear is to change the mindset and move away from negative thoughts. When we understand the online behavior of customers, we can select the right channel to share this Nu Skin opportunity. We found that our beauty device products are perfect for people who work from home. They can pamper their skin at home and even grab this opportunity to share with others!
“Master new skills to embrace changes.”
–Daniel Jr & Ella Laogan
The fear of failing and letting our team down made us really prepare and brace ourselves for changes. While some became paralyzed with fear of the unknown, we pushed ourselves to work even harder. We tapped the support available through Nu Skin to improve our use of digital tools. Besides mastering online skills, it is more important to master our fear and emotions to deal with change. We did our best to manage what we can control and left the rest to God.
“Success is about staying relevant, being professional and having the ability to help others.”
–Derrick Tia & Frann Ng
Each challenge is an opportunity to learn new skills. These past few months, many in my team have become more IT-savvy. The learned to present, organize, and manage online meetings. We had to learn new skills and upgrade. This business has given me the opportunity to meet people and learn about their lives, their trials and motivations. Helping to make a difference and improving their lives is really an inspiring process. This is my contribution to be a force for good.
“Embracing change with a team is easier than facing it alone.”
–Hendra Ramli
When you are so used to doing things a certain way, it can be difficult to see that there are other available options to deal with change. I tell myself and my team not to rest on past glories and those proven methods done in the past but restart anew like it is their first time in the business, with drive and hunger to succeed. We sell innovative health and beauty products and an opportunity that transforms lives—something that everybody needs now. Embrace this change!
“Make time for all the important things in life.”
–Jack Kerk
All of us have the same 24 hours a day. By leveraging technology, we can maximize these 24 hours and save time spent on traveling or being stuck in traffic. I now conduct online trainings almost daily and even though I find myself working more, I still have time to be a father and a son. With time flexibility, I prioritize what is important for me and my work. Now with a few clicks, I can meet with my partners all around the world! Nu Skin can be your truly seamless global business, from your home.
“Move away from your comfort zone and digitize your business fast.”
–Tram Ngo
Previously we conducted our Nu Skin business face to face. In the new norm, we have shifted all our prospecting and training online. This worked out well as we were able to organize a systematic online schedule that allowed more people to join and learn about the business. I think there is always a solution for any situation. We just need to have the belief and the want to do it.
*Generating meaningful compensation as a Brand Affiliate requires considerable time, effort and commitment. This is not a get rich quick program, there are no guarantee of financial success and results will vary widely among participants. A complete summary of earnings at each level in the Sales Compensation Plan can be found at:
**Source: Euromonitor International Ltd; Retail Value RSP terms; all channels, 2017 and 2018. Includes at-home Skin Care Devices exclusively paired with topical consumable of same brand. Based on Euromonitor custom research methodology, Jan/Feb 2019. Includes electric facial cleansers as defined in Passport database; does not include hair care/removal, body shavers, or oral care appliances.